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Sujet : Exposé oral d'anglais
emirmoi Bon voilà mon exposé :
Je répète encore une fois qu'il est piqué parties par parties sur wikipedia et d'autres sites ...  
The Population boom and its consequences for our future
1. The population boom  
The human race is growing at an alarming rate : there were a billion people in 1850, 2 billions in 1960. While, in 2000 we were more than 6 millions of people, and today we estimate that there are 6 900 000 humans in the world ! The scientifics say that, according to mathematical models, the world population will continue to grow and we'll reach more than 9 billions people in 2050 !
The last one hundred years have seen a rapid increase in population due to medical advances and massive increase in agricultural productivity made possible by the Green Revolution. All these advances have improved the life expectancy, and that’s the main thing that caused the world population growth.
2. Problems
Before we discuss how we can support reducing world population growth and still be humanitarians, let's recount why population growth is a problem in the first place.
The earth is a "closed system," meaning that we have to recycle or store all of the wastes we produce, we only have one planet's worth of land and water to provide resources for agriculture, energy, and other needs. How well we do at these two factors—resource use and pollution management—basically depends on two factors:
   1. the number of people on the planet; and
   2. the average amount of resources available (per person) and the average amount of pollution produced.
In basic terms, the average global standard of living is directly related to the resources available. The health of the planet (in terms of pollution) is related to how much stuff, on average, each person uses.  
2.1  Risk of overpopulation
The rise of the rate of natural increase is not uniform : it concerns mainly the Third World. Indeed there are many differences between the demographic profile of the rich and poor countries. Rich countries, including Western Europe have controlled their population growth - but face to the aging of the population - which creates a deficit that migration does not compensate fully. Poor countries are mainly responsible for the global growth because of their birth rate. The relative youth of most people of the Third World (a little less than half of Africans are under 15 years) tends to make the pace of growth difficult to contain.
Sometimes economical progress and access to education in Third World are faced with ethical or religious beliefs (ignorance of modern contraception ; the status of Women in some countries of Third World). The inhabitants of this overcorwded areas are the first to suffer from the consequences of this imbalance : There is much of stress, disease, environmental degradation, insecurity, wars and famines !
Overpopulation is a condition where an organism's numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. The term often refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth.
The recent rapid increase in human population over the past two centuries has raised concerns that humans are beginning to overpopulate the Earth, and that the planet may not be able to sustain present or larger numbers of inhabitants. The population has been growing continuously since 1400. At the beginning of the 19th century, it had reached roughly 1,000,000,000 (1 billion). Increases in life expectancy and resource availability during the industrial and green revolutions led to rapid population growth on a worldwide level. By 1960, the world population had reached 3 billion; it doubled to 6 billion over the next four decades. Current projections show a steady decline in the population growth rate, with the population expected to reach between 8 and 10.5 billion between the year 2040 and 2050.  
The scientific consensus is that the current population expansion and accompanying increase in usage of resources is linked to threats to the ecosystem. The InterAcademy Panel Statement on Population Growth, called the growth in human numbers "unprecedented", and stated that many environmental problems, such as rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, global warming, and pollution, were aggravated by the population expansion.  
2.2   In fact, the other big risk is The problem of Pollution
If there are more people on earth and if we continue to pollute at this rate, the greenhouse effect will intensify and ozone layer will continue to deteriorate. Life would indeed be impossible on Earth if the human population, especially the emerging countries like China and India but also in the future, many African countries, pollute as much as they do now! However, these countries claim to have the same standard of living that us, Europeans, and will definitely refuse, as China is already doing, to reduce their pollution!
3. Solutions
We should:
• continue to strive to reduce suffering by combating disease and poverty around the world;
 By helping population to have a more modern life, the people will have fewer of children because : The peasants actually need children because they don’t have enough to live and need labor to feed them when they are older...  by helping the poorest countries them, we avoid misery.
• continue to improve resource efficiency and pollution control so that standards of living can rise without negative impact;
 We must require the countries who pollute too much to limit the greenhouse effect and let our Earth in good conditions
• keep human population to numbers that are sustainable.
On the population front, that means:
• making sure people around the world have access to family planning services and help the Third World and Africa against extreme poverty !  
• empowering women in developing countries economically, socially, and legally in a manner that results in them having an equal say (with their husbands) in reproductive decisions; > Yes because in many countries, the women don’t have the same rights as the men, and often, they cannot say anything in reproductive decisions !
• modifying school curricula to include information on population levels and implications for the future;
 We must make prevention in schools and explain that the actual situation can be dangerous for the future.
And it’s a little bit too radically but :
In an extreme situation we should
• Make a law that ban the couples to have more than one or two children > It would be like in China...
• reform tax laws in a way that encourages couples to have no more than two children. (for example They would still be able to have as many kids as they want, but the tax code would no longer subsidize more than two.)

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emirmoi Bon voilà mon exposé :
Je répète encore une fois qu'il est piqué parties par parties sur wikipedia et d'autres sites ...  
The Population boom and its consequences for our future
1. The population boom  
The human race is growing at an alarming rate : there were a billion people in 1850, 2 billions in 1960. While, in 2000 we were more than 6 millions of people, and today we estimate that there are 6 900 000 humans in the world ! The scientifics say that, according to mathematical models, the world population will continue to grow and we'll reach more than 9 billions people in 2050 !
The last one hundred years have seen a rapid increase in population due to medical advances and massive increase in agricultural productivity made possible by the Green Revolution. All these advances have improved the life expectancy, and that’s the main thing that caused the world population growth.
2. Problems
Before we discuss how we can support reducing world population growth and still be humanitarians, let's recount why population growth is a problem in the first place.
The earth is a "closed system," meaning that we have to recycle or store all of the wastes we produce, we only have one planet's worth of land and water to provide resources for agriculture, energy, and other needs. How well we do at these two factors—resource use and pollution management—basically depends on two factors:
   1. the number of people on the planet; and
   2. the average amount of resources available (per person) and the average amount of pollution produced.
In basic terms, the average global standard of living is directly related to the resources available. The health of the planet (in terms of pollution) is related to how much stuff, on average, each person uses.  
2.1  Risk of overpopulation
The rise of the rate of natural increase is not uniform : it concerns mainly the Third World. Indeed there are many differences between the demographic profile of the rich and poor countries. Rich countries, including Western Europe have controlled their population growth - but face to the aging of the population - which creates a deficit that migration does not compensate fully. Poor countries are mainly responsible for the global growth because of their birth rate. The relative youth of most people of the Third World (a little less than half of Africans are under 15 years) tends to make the pace of growth difficult to contain.
Sometimes economical progress and access to education in Third World are faced with ethical or religious beliefs (ignorance of modern contraception ; the status of Women in some countries of Third World). The inhabitants of this overcorwded areas are the first to suffer from the consequences of this imbalance : There is much of stress, disease, environmental degradation, insecurity, wars and famines !
Overpopulation is a condition where an organism's numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. The term often refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth.
The recent rapid increase in human population over the past two centuries has raised concerns that humans are beginning to overpopulate the Earth, and that the planet may not be able to sustain present or larger numbers of inhabitants. The population has been growing continuously since 1400. At the beginning of the 19th century, it had reached roughly 1,000,000,000 (1 billion). Increases in life expectancy and resource availability during the industrial and green revolutions led to rapid population growth on a worldwide level. By 1960, the world population had reached 3 billion; it doubled to 6 billion over the next four decades. Current projections show a steady decline in the population growth rate, with the population expected to reach between 8 and 10.5 billion between the year 2040 and 2050.  
The scientific consensus is that the current population expansion and accompanying increase in usage of resources is linked to threats to the ecosystem. The InterAcademy Panel Statement on Population Growth, called the growth in human numbers "unprecedented", and stated that many environmental problems, such as rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, global warming, and pollution, were aggravated by the population expansion.  
2.2   In fact, the other big risk is The problem of Pollution
If there are more people on earth and if we continue to pollute at this rate, the greenhouse effect will intensify and ozone layer will continue to deteriorate. Life would indeed be impossible on Earth if the human population, especially the emerging countries like China and India but also in the future, many African countries, pollute as much as they do now! However, these countries claim to have the same standard of living that us, Europeans, and will definitely refuse, as China is already doing, to reduce their pollution!
3. Solutions
We should:
• continue to strive to reduce suffering by combating disease and poverty around the world;
 By helping population to have a more modern life, the people will have fewer of children because : The peasants actually need children because they don’t have enough to live and need labor to feed them when they are older...  by helping the poorest countries them, we avoid misery.
• continue to improve resource efficiency and pollution control so that standards of living can rise without negative impact;
 We must require the countries who pollute too much to limit the greenhouse effect and let our Earth in good conditions
• keep human population to numbers that are sustainable.
On the population front, that means:
• making sure people around the world have access to family planning services and help the Third World and Africa against extreme poverty !  
• empowering women in developing countries economically, socially, and legally in a manner that results in them having an equal say (with their husbands) in reproductive decisions; > Yes because in many countries, the women don’t have the same rights as the men, and often, they cannot say anything in reproductive decisions !
• modifying school curricula to include information on population levels and implications for the future;
 We must make prevention in schools and explain that the actual situation can be dangerous for the future.
And it’s a little bit too radically but :
In an extreme situation we should
• Make a law that ban the couples to have more than one or two children > It would be like in China...
• reform tax laws in a way that encourages couples to have no more than two children. (for example They would still be able to have as many kids as they want, but the tax code would no longer subsidize more than two.)

tiagool a écrit :

Pour une fois que tu partage un avis identique au mien ça a le mérite d'être souligner^^ :lol:

Ah je ne te le fais pas dire  :lol: !!
Mais c'est parce qu'on a les mêmes défauts : la volonté d'avoir le dernier mot et l'esprit de contradiction, alors forcément c'est dur :lol:  

Nhl_Prono tu as perdu ou gagner 760 euro ? ^^
ben la solution faudrait testé avec comme jtai dit avec netteler si tu parle pour les pari si tu parle pour le moyen de me rembourser ben c soit paypal ou je c pas trop mais bon si c paypal jvais devoir les dépenser sur ebay car pour si peux retirer et avoir 10$ de frais c chiant en sal lolll
tiagool Non non je n'y suis pas et pourquoi t'eviter?? Pour tes 50 et quelques €?? non non du tout  
Tu sais j'ai pris encore 760$ hier alors bon faut juste qu'on trouve une solution tout simplement mec ;)
Nhl_Prono héhé non je le savais pas ou je m'en rappelais pu :P  tu es pas sur facebook a chaque fois que jme conecete ... tu es connecté mais tu te met hors ligne pour m'éviter ? ^^
tiagool :lol: la je dis "oui" tu sais que c'est mon département NHL en France?? :lol:
+10 l'ami sur ce coup ;)
Nhl_Prono Pourquoi la meilleur note serait pas 69 ? :D

Alissia13 a écrit :

Oui voilà :D bin là tu vois je te rejoins entièrement :lol:

Pour une fois que tu partage un avis identique au mien ça a le mérite d'être souligner^^ :lol:

Alissia13 Oui voilà :D bin là tu vois je te rejoins entièrement :lol:
tiagool Oui par contre le fait que ça s'arrête a 6 va comprendre pourquoi :lol: :lol:
Pourquoi ne pas s'arrêter a 5,10 ou 20 ça paraîtrait plus logique :D

tiagool a écrit :

oui :lol: car quand t'a 19/20 t'a une bonne note et quand t'a 1 t'es une grosse ***** non? donc oui pour moi les suisses sont logiques

oui dans ce sens ok^^
sauf que les suisses ils s'arretent a 6 alors jvois pas bien la logique ^^
alors que 1 comme le numéro ecrit sur la marche la plus haute du podium, bin jsais pas moi jtrouve qu'il y a rien de plus logique  :p

emirmoi Bon je vous laisse, c'est parti pour une folle après-midi de maths ! Youhouuu ! ...

tiagool a écrit :

Au fait Emir je vais au salon de l'auto a Genève ;)

Moi pas  :(  :(  
En fait pas eu envie parce que j'y ai été les 2 dernières éditions ... ^^

tiagool Au fait Emir je vais au salon de l'auto a Genève ;)
emirmoi Mon exposé c'est un mélange entre wikipedia et d'autres sites^^ Je vous poste ça ce soir si j'oublie pas, je l'ai sur ma clé usb ^^
tiagool Nhl va regardé ton site fétiche :lol: :lol: :lol:
tiagool oui :lol: car quand t'a 19/20 t'a une bonne note et quand t'a 1 t'es une grosse ***** non? donc oui pour moi les suisses sont logiques

tiagool a écrit :

Ben non dans ce cas la c'est plutôt les allemands qui fonctionnent a l'envers et non les petits suisses :D

parce que 1 comme 1ere place ca te parait illogique toi :lol: ?


tiagool a écrit :

Ben non dans ce cas la c'est plutôt les allemands qui fonctionnent a l'envers et non les petits suisses :D

ben non c'est les suisses voyons donc :P les Allemands c'est des Dieux :D
Sinon envoie ton exposé oral par ecrit ici :) merci :D


Alissia13 a écrit :

coool bien joué Emir !!
par contre c'est marrant le systeme de notation est le meme qu'en Allemagne, par contre en Allemagne c'est le 1 la meilleure note... sont vraiment trop bizarres ces Suisses :lol:

J'allais le dire :lol: Mon corres était fier avec son 1 en danse :D


tiagool a écrit :

Ben non dans ce cas la c'est plutôt les allemands qui fonctionnent a l'envers et non les petits suisses :D

Bien dit ! :D
Sinon, le titre de mon exposé c'était "The Population boom and its consequences for our future"
En français pour les incultes (alissia  :lol:  ) "L'explosion démographique et ses conséquences pour notre futur"

tiagool Ben non dans ce cas la c'est plutôt les allemands qui fonctionnent a l'envers et non les petits suisses :D

emirmoi a écrit :

Bon j'ai passé mon oral d'anglais aujourd'hui et j'ai eu 5 :D (en Suisse les notes vont de 1 à 6^^) ... ce qui équivaut à un 16/20 ^^
Je n'en espérait pas tant, je suis content :D

coool bien joué Emir !!
par contre c'est marrant le systeme de notation est le meme qu'en Allemagne, par contre en Allemagne c'est le 1 la meilleure note... sont vraiment trop bizarres ces Suisses :lol:


emirmoi a écrit :

Bon j'ai passé mon oral d'anglais aujourd'hui et j'ai eu 5 :D (en Suisse les notes vont de 1 à 6^^) ... ce qui équivaut à un 16/20 ^^
Je n'en espérait pas tant, je suis content :D

Félicitation [:brandon lang:4][:brandon lang:4][:brandon lang:4]
Tu à pris quel sujet si c'est pas indiscret? :sweat:

1. Bonus Foot - 125-125